Types of land tenure systems in uganda pdf

Land tenure is the name given to land that is owned by an individual or group. These are mailo, freehold, customary and leasehold, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. The land act 1998 identifies the four forms of land tenure systems in uganda which include customary, leasehold, freehold and mailo, grants all legitimate and. The origin of the existing land tenure systems dates way back in 1900 when. The effects of existing land tenure systems on land use in kenya today chege waiganjo and paul e.

Land tenure is another phrase for land ownership, frequently used outside of the united states. Land registration and cadastral systems exist in great variety. It is a system of owning land in perpetuity and was set up by an agreement between the kingdoms and the british government. The period of rent is relatively very short compared to leasehold systems. Effects of land tenure on physical planning in uganda. Explaining the different types of land tenure daily monitor. There are many different types of land tenure, including private and public ownership, and each type of land tenure comes with a bundle of rights for the use and disposition of the property. The mailo land tenure system is where land is registered and owned in eternity or perpetuity with its holder having a land title for it.

This is a system whereby a tenant pays some amount for the period of using the land to a stated landlord. The farmer can make the best use of land during the rent period. The paper argues that land ownership structure in nigeria has evolved over the years until 1978 when a single land policy document, otherwise known as the land use act of 1978 was established to. How to integrate statutory and customary tenure the uganda case. Table 1 distribution of land tenure system in uganda by region. Types of land tenure denis obbo, the spokesperson at the ministry of lands, housing and urban development, says there are four types of land tenure clearly spelt out in the the constitution of uganda. The land act 1998 identifies the four forms of land tenure systems in uganda which include customary, leasehold, freehold and mailo, grants. This land tenure in uganda has its basis from the allocation of land pursuant to the 1900 uganda agreement, subject to legislative qualifications. According to many activist groups, the land tenure system in uganda has been the cause of many conflicts and. In uganda, diverse forms of customary tenure systems existed before the. A case of kampala city vi abstract there are different land tenure systems in kampala city with competing legitimacy claims under the different systems. The reform process has been accompanied by much discussion on the need to integrate customary and statutory land tenure systems.

It says all uganda citizens owning land under customary tenure may. This paper describes the rich history of zambian land tenure systems and discusses the present land tenure system. Land tenure system in uganda fortune of africa uganda. Under this tenure, land is communally owned by a particular group of people in a particular area. Types of land tenure systems in uganda land ownership in. Advantages and disadvantages of land tenure system answers. Feudal land tenure is a system of mutual obligations under which a royal or noble personage granted a fiefdom some degree of interest in the use or revenues of a given parcel of land in exchange for a claim on services such as military service or simply maintenance of the land in which the lord continued to have an interest. Introduction concern about land tenure and its impact on land use as well as the management of natural resources is not a recent phenomenon in kenya and indeed in the.

The land act 1998 affirmed the four tenure systems of customary, freehold, mailo. Grants of land in freehold were made by the crown and later by the uganda land. Land can either be owned in perpetuity or for a given period of time. The interest shown in the conference and debate on land tenure issues and challenges. Recognizes the four forms of land tenure customary, leasehold, freehold. There are various types of land tenure systems in uganda under under which citizens and foreigners can buy land, own and utilize it. The constitution recognises four categories of land tenure systems in uganda.